
AGI: Activating Groups & Individuals


We start talking when we are about one year old and talk and talk every day since. This does however not mean we are good at communication.

Talking is sharing info. Communication is listening to understand the other and expressing yourself so the other understands and then follow up with care. This may sound easy but it is not. Conflict with others at home or at work proves that.

Joppe will teach us this friday (14.2.2020) nothing we do not know already. This knowledge about communication lies within us, he just helps to pull it to the surface.

With nine years of experience as a sociotherapist in the Netherlands Joppe developed his workshops on networking and communication. When he came to Finland to work in the startup world he created a vast network in Helsinki. Joppe has extensive experience in organizing networking events at ArcticStartup where he activated 120 volunteers. At the Burning Man project Steam of Life he activated a group of 70 people to build a sauna in the desert in Nevada.