UX/UI design

UX design connects user and business goals together

Fraktiolainen työskentelee pöydän ääressä. Fraktiolainen työskentelee pöydän ääressä

User experience brings your service competitive advantage

A good user experience has a significant and often a decisive role in the success of services. However, first-class user experiences do not fall from the sky directly into your lap. They are also not a one-size-fits-all solution that can be duplicated, but require a strong design approach. And here we can help you!

Miksi investoida UX- ja UI-suunnitteluun


Saat sitoutettua asiakkaasi ja saat heidät palaamaan palvelusi pariin aina uudelleen.


Asiakaskokemus on suoraan linkityksessä yrityksesi liikevaihtoon ja strategiaan. UX/UI-suunnittelun avulla digikehityksessä keskitytään tekemään oikeita asioita oikeaan aikaan.


Tutkimalla ja testaamalla heti tuotekehityksen alussa virheet ja kipupisteet taklataan ajoissa, jonka vuoksi budjetointia on helpompi ennakoida.


Pystyt pohjaamaan tuotekehityksen päätökset dataan ja käyttäjätutkimukseen – ymmärrät mitä asiakkaasi ajattelee

fraktion suunnittelijat työn touhussa

UX and UI design at Fraktio

At Fraktio, UX and UI design means that the end result brings lasting value to both the user and the business. With the help of UX design and research, we dig deeper into customer understanding, and in UI design, we give it a form as a user interface.
The right solutions always require researched information that is proven to be correct - that's why we design things iteratively and test prototypes and solutions with real users. Instead of just pretty pixels, we always strive for solutions that
  • are smart both in terms of users, code and further development
  • take into account the needs, wishes and goals of the business from the very beginning
  • are based on researched information
    meet genuine demands and requirements

We implement solutions that create user-centered services based on your customers' goals.

"Through the interviews, we received a lot of important information. The users were satisfied because they felt that they were taken seriously and that their views and feedback played an important role in the development work."

Maija Savolainen-Koskinen Development Manager, Terveystalo

"Users want a fast and user-friendly application. Especially speed is not at all self-evident. We hoped for a high-quality, fast-performing mobile application - and that's what we got. The users are also satisfied."

Mikko Kalliovaara
Mikko Kalliovaara CEO at Fennoa Oy and Product Owner of Fennoa Mobile

Why invest in UX and UI design?

  • Increase your customer loyalty and get them to come back to your service again and again.
  • Customer experience is directly linked to your company's turnover and strategy. With the help of UX/UI design, digital development focuses on doing the right things at the right time.
  • By researching and testing right at the beginning of product development, errors and pain points are tackled in time, which makes budgeting easier to predict.
  • You can base product development decisions on data and user research - you know exactly what your customers are thinking and get better customer understanding.
Palvelumuotoilija Satu kirjoittaa taululle.

Our services

UX and UI design includes all a variety of work phases and methods. Our specialities are:

  • User studies and testing
  • Content design and information architecture
  • User journeys and journey modeling
  • Usability and accessibility
  • Visual and interaction design
  • Design systems
Fraktiolaisten henkilökuvia.

Let's talk!

Let’s find out how we can help you – book a 30–45-minute meeting with us! If it is design that you are primarily interested in, you will most probably meet Chief Growth Officer Petteri Hellgrén and Design Lead Antti Lavio.

Contact us